Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Depression Action, Advocate, Brainstorm, cartoons, Cost, depression assessment, Impact, jokes, Mental Health, mental health humor, NAMI, overwhelming,

Depression Action, Advocate, Brainstorm, cartoons, Cost, depression assessment, Impact, jokes, Mental Health, mental health humor, NAMI, overwhelming,


phenylethylamine can help with some types of mild depression

"Most people with depression never seek
help, even though the majority will
respond to treatment. Treating depression
is especially important because it affects
you, your family, and your work. Some
people with depression try to harm
themselves in the mistaken belief that
how they are feeling will never change.
Depression is a treatable illness."

Hire Me Direct

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