Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mental Health Humor: Week-end Saturday Review September 20th - 26th

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Mental Health Humor cartoons jokes chato b stewart

Mental Health Humor: Week-end Saturday Review September 20th - 26th -

Mental Health Humor,ssri,fat,weight,Sunday:

Mental Health Humor,The good,bad,Ugly, Side Of ,Self Talk, Mid-Night InsanityMonday:


bipolar, bipolar  ment, Bipolar Cartoons, bipolar humor, bipolar jokes, bipolar jokes  mental, bipolar jokes brain cartoon, bipolar jokes cartoon, bipolar jokes cow, bipolar jokes defense mechanisms cartoons, bipolar jokes depression assessment, bipolar jokes depression cartoons, bipolar jokes fat humor, bipolar jokes fish oil mental health, bipolar jokes free therapy cartoons, bipolar jokes globophobia, bipolar jokes happy pill, bipolar jokes health cartoon, bipolar jokes health cartoons, bipolar jokes health jokes, bipolar jokes humor and health, bipolar jokes humor questions, bipolar jokes mental health cartoons, bipolar jokes mental health day, bipolar jokes mental health humor, bipolar jokes mental health jokes, bipolar jokes mental illness cartoons, bipolar jokes mental illness jokes, bipolar jokes more toons, bipolar jokes ocd, bipolar jokes ocd cartoon, bipolar jokes ocd cartoons, bipolar jokes phenylethylamine, bipolar jokes recovery cartoons, bipolar jokes social work cartoons ,Recovery Peer,Recovery Peer Specialist,RPS,Advocate, cartoons, jokes, Mental Health Cartoons, mental health humorWednesday:

Mr Baked Potato HeadThursday:

mental health humor,the haven,signFriday:

What a GREAT week! Did you reach any personal goals?…Give yourself a pat on the back and a word of encouragement to keep going forward! I hope we are all on the same page now and moving in the same direction…toward healing, happiness and of course, laughter! Take Care, Be Safe, and Keep Laughing )

Thanks for dropping by:

Chato B. Stewart
Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other things!

“Using Humor to Heal and Educate with badly drawn cartoons.”


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I Advocate that cartoons and jokes about Mental Health Humor can help heal.Ask me about Recovery Peer,Recovery Peer Specialist,RPS,Advocate, cartoons, jokes, Mental Health Cartoons, mental health humor or what ever you want.

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