Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mental Health Humor Cartoon

Mental Health Humor cartoons jokes chato b stewart

Dr. Bob Bob, Meds, Suicide, Bipolar, Chato, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia,cartoon,joke, humor Dr. Bob Bob, Meds, Suicide, Bipolar, Chato, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia,cartoon,joke, humor
Mania Abuse Needs To Be Stop
mental health humor o.c.d.

Dr. Bob Bob, Meds, Suicide, Bipolar, Chato, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Mixed Bag

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