Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back to my Lucid world

Well, back to my Lucid world.  In the past this blog had been used to promote my cartoons and before that i was using it to just talk about my day.  I think it is time to go back to the basics.

Over the past few months I've been dealing with life in a lucid world. Working on my cartoons, begging for work form my once lucrative business, and blogging my fingers off to make a buck.
My meds got me as balanced as I think I've been in a decade.  The problem with balance is that it is not a cure. When I was sick or Looney all i wanted was to be well, to get out of the depression to be balanced.  The biggest issue you for get is how you balanced life might have sucked in the first place.  You fight so hard to get back to it thinking that once i get there it will be CAKE... easy Money... No Sweat... But the grass is greener in my mind of the other side of sanity.

It is true that the stress is better coped with when balanced.  Hey, when I was unbalanced curled up into the fetal position in my head from the stress, depression and anxiety I did not have to worry about it much.  Paying the bills, rent and food on the table was just something I did in zombie mode.

Now, my eyes are wide open...  And what I thought was true turns out to be false.  My feelings are now of abandonment from my love is like a desert with no dessert...  Yes, that is that innuendo, I'll let you figure it out what it means.

Here's the thing, when I'm in the grips of "manic-looncey" the world is filled with bright colors and so many possibilities.  The ideas are a million a second and my mind is like New Years eve in Times Square.  Then, once that his it's peek the slide into depression it like a snap of the fingers..
Now that I have the meds that help and seem to be working and I feel like my favorite cartoon.

Still, the horror and truth is that I miss the madness.  Now all I have is the stress and feeling of neglect and no work.

Well, back to lucid life... Oh' joy....

Chato B.  Stewart

Mental Health Advocate - Cartoonist - and a few other  things!

Enzymedica - The Enzyme Experts
Mental Health Cartoons

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