Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Monday, August 17, 2009

Words Of The Wisdomless: Zealous Advocate

Words Of The Wisdomless: Zealous Advocate -

"The pain and horror of my life might seem minimal to you but you can't walk in my shoes. You haven't traversed the obstacles of madness or stood at the ready over the abyss.  Validation or none, I am a survivor over madness, finding my recovery and no one can take it away from me... Oh! I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Yes, I'll have fries with that."

- Chato B. Stewart

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