Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Cleaning My E-Mail Contacts - I want you to stay

I'm Chato Stewart, is a mental health advocate and cartoonist for Mental Health Humor blog at . You would think, I would not have to tell you who I am since you're on my e-mail list.  Well, that is why I'm asking everyone to opt-in on my monthly Newsletter.  This way you will not miss out on any of the cartoons and other fun advocacy projects. 

I know most of you may feel overwhelmed by e-mail and newsletters. My newsletter is NOT going to add to your frustration. Rather it will, I hope, give you a stress-reducer by highlighting some of my cartoons...There just may by a toon or two that hits your funny bone or one you can relate to or you may

know someone who would get a chuckle out it.

For you bloggers out there my cartoons are a source of free content for your blog.  Yes, YES, you can post the un-edited cartoon and link it back to my site.

Group leaders and Organizations can use the cartoon in their newsletter most of the time for free. I ask that they consider tossing me a bone for my work in the for a a stipend.  That is not a requirement.  

Also, every years I hold a Cartton-A-Thon and draw 31 caricatures of my readers for free.  In 2011 I set aside almost half of them just for my newsletter readers.  So, being on my Newsletter does have a lot of value for any Mental Health advocate.

So please take a few seconds to op-in.

Two ways to Opt-in:

  1. Reply to this message giving me permission to add your name to my NEWSLETTER.
  2. Use this op-in link 

Bonus My Free Book:  

Chato B Stewart

 follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook


Please Note:

This e-mail is being to you because at some point over the last 3 years we have sometype of communacation via e-mail, social networks, or in person.  Since I do know why you're on my contact list I'm making an effort to invite you all my contact and asking you to Op-In to receive my newsletter.

When I am done I will be deleteng all my contact to start fresh.

Once again, you are receiving this e-mail in an effort to clean my list.  You do not need to take any action if you wish to be remove since your e-mail will not be added into the Opt-IN list unless you Opt-in or give me permission to add you. Every one else will be deleted from my contacts list permintrely.

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