Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Saturday, September 20, 2014

More High Lights from Punta Gorda Suicide Prevention Walk

Chato Stewart here,

Mental health Advocate, cartoonist and Consumer Peer Ambassador.

Here is a video High Light from Punta Gorda Florida's Suicide Prevention Walk

I'm not sure if you know Darlene? I just wanted to let you know her video has been seen/viewed 915 unique times since I posted it on YouTube. That is awesome for my channel and subject matter.  When Darlene talked to me, She was commending me in support of my personal massage. My message was that "I was walking for ME", for Suicide Prevention at the park in Punta Gorda that day. I asked if she wanted to share something on video. I thought she was going to talk about the walk and why we were all at the park - instead, she gave me the best advice.  Something everyone living with a mental illness should strive to remember.

The Youtube video:
Suicide Awareness Candlelight Walk in Punta Gorda -

If you know her personally, I just wanted to let her know how many people she has helped.

My blog post with her video - as of today was visited 13,986 times.
The blog post was featured on a major blog network front page.
The YouTube Video 915+
Her story was shared with my 2000+ Facebook and 2500+ Twitter followers.

It is also posted on Charlotte Behavioral Health Care blog. 
Charlotte County Walked for Suicide Prevention 2014 - Charlotte Behavioral

She was hoping what she had to say would help or reach a few people...Her words in the video - only
22 seconds ~ and her message has helped tens of thousands!!!

Thank You Darlene!

Charlotte County Walked for Suicide Prevention 2014 - Ch...
suicide prevention and walk for suicide prevention at Punta Gorda.
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