Lucid Now, Looney Later, is my peer-to-peer blog support group for depression and bipolar disorder,“Our mission, our prize isn't riches, nor trophy and not even happiness,our prize is stability, mental balance, and to be able to live with dignity and love for our-selfs.” -Chato b. stewart

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day Five

I've been married 16 years this October... one thing we learned early on that when it comes to sleeping in the same bed J and I are not compatible... I toss and turn and roll and restless... anyway, long story short we sleep apart.. she is the the baby and i am where ever i drop. Well, I guess she has been reading my blog because last night she just cuddled up next to me and I fell off to sleep before 2:am.... I just remember Dana Carvy on Connan... next thing I new it was 5:40 and I jumped up... took the long awaited shower and took off to work... I tried not to think.. just do... most of my work is 45 minuets away so I end up thinking during the commute. I get so anxious driving to work... always thing something is going to go wrong... so i try to keep the music blaring to avoid that type of thinking. Again to with the the weep crap too... I just got gas and was about to get on the highway and out of the blue i start weep.... it almost funny, a big guy like me not able to control my emotions like that... it did not last long because then i started to make fun at my self out loud... :"are you crying? What are you a baby!" and stuff like that... I guess if you seen me you would thought I was either on the phone or carzy.... oh i don't have a cell phone.

Any way i got to the first Job and i had to zip right through it... it still took 2 hours and off the the next one... that one took 4 hours... I ran to the bank and drove right home... the kids where out in our kiddy pool so i jumped in. It now 3:16 pm. Oh Ya, here is what my cartoon should look like with the title and stuff.

I was able to get up and go to work so that has mad me some what happy. I'm still down but i feel better after being out side... I'm at that point right now it could go either way so I'm going to try and take it slow for the rest of the day.

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